Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year and another new project

First, progress on the closet doors. One is finished and back up. The second is in the works and I'm doing it on site because I couldn't take it off without emptying the closet and climbing inside and I just didn't feel like doing that.

First, the finished first one:

Then the finished one hanging and the second one in progress . . . about 40% done.

I'll get a better picture tomorrow - hopefully after a little more work on it is done.

My new project will be the art journal I've been telling myself to get started for over a year now. I am using a Canson Mixed Media spiral bound book. I painted the cover with black tempera paint and used a leaf stencil with green acrylic. I tried to hand letter with a white paint pen and failed miserably so did it on the computer . . . and it looks way better than my chicken scratch/paint blobs.

I have two pages in progress.

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